Welcome to KidsSide!
Friday January 3
Christmas Break is always exciting, but by the end of it you may wonder..."NOW WHAT?". Start the New Year off right by spending time with your KidsSide friends.
About KidsSide
What to Expect:
Kids can expect about 1hr30min spent with friends and leaders where they'll worship God, learn about God and His Word, and participate in engaging activities, creative times, and more!
Family Focus:
At Kidsside, we aim to serve not just kids, but families. Every Sunday, kids receive a Family Discussion Guide to take home, so the family can continue the conversations we began at church. We also have the kids in our church's Main Gatherings one Sunday a month, so that families have the opportunity to learn and worship together, setting the tone for the rest of the week at home to continue!
All our volunteers receive annual Abuse Prevention Training to ensure the safety of any child who comes to KidsSide. God considers children to be precious people who are wonderfully made in his image (see Genesis 1:27; Psalm 139:14), and we desire to treat them as such in our church!
Get Connected:
We have a monthly newsletter that we send to all our KidsSide families, as well as a separate one for our volunteers. These family newsletters consist of upcoming events, info on that month's KidsSide theme and biblical focus, a parenting "Tip" video, sharing resources, and links to our recent social media posts/YouTube videos.
To sign up for this newsletter, contact Pastor Caleb by clicking the email button at the top of the page!
If you would like more information about our Volunteer Team or would like to become a volunteer, contact Pastor Caleb as well to chat about our process!
Brand-New YouTube Channel!
Check out our YouTube channel, featuring Worship Action Videos with Pastor Caleb!
“Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me.’”