Raising up a community to share the love of God


  • Helping People Know Jesus

    • We believe that life is intended to be lived with Jesus at the centre of everything we do. We strive to help people grow to know Jesus better and follow his ways.

  • Growing People in Faith

    • We believe in equipping people intentionally to help grow them in their faith. Through small groups, service opportunities, and more, we know that people will grow and develop in their faith.

  • Serving our Community

    • We believe in being a contributing member to our community. Through our Foodbank, community events, and being a good neighbour, we serve to make our community better.

  • Being a Family

    • We believe that our faith is best practiced with others and see the value of those young and old growing together. We desire to strengthen families and help them be healthy.

  • Raising up the Next Generation

    • We believe in raising up the next generation to understand God and follow his ways. Our Kids, Teens, and Young Adult programs aim to encourage and build up the next generation.

  • Being led by the Holy Spirit

    • We believe in allowing the Holy Spirit to guide and lead us. We encourage people to make more space in their lives for the Holy Spirit to help them live the way Jesus asked them to.

  • Praying in Faith

    • We believe that God listens when we pray and responds when we have faith. We strive to depend on God by bringing our needs and requests to him and trusting him to respond.

  • Relevant Worship

    • We believe in helping people engage with God through relevant worship. We work towards making it as easy as possible for people to worship God in all aspects of life.